• skmprasad@yahoo.com
  • +91 9414920984, 9414981045



An audiometry evaluation is a painless, noninvasive hearing test that measures a person's ability to hear different sounds, pitches, or frequencies. Patients who have a tumor in or around the ear may undergo audiometry testing to determine whether hearing loss has occurred or to monitor their hearing before and after surgery. It is also used to evaluate whether hearing aids or surgery may improve one's hearing.

The audiometric test can be carried out using automatic or manual audiometers, but the essential test procedure is the same:

  • The subject is asked to remove anything which might upset the test results, e.g. spectacles, earrings, hearing aids.
  • The ear canals are inspected for any wax buildup or other obstruction.
  • Instructions are given about the test procedure and how the subject is required to indicate whether he/she can just hear or cannot hear a certain sound (the sound level may be increased from a very low level or reduced from a high level).
  • Headphones are fitted carefully over the ears and the test is then carried out on each ear.
What does a hearing test show?

Pure tone audiometry charts the hearing level of different tone frequencies in both ears. On an audiogram chart, red O's indicate the right ear's results and blue X's the left ear's results.